Friday, 28 March 2014

The BDS News Show

Zdravstvui and Good Morning!
Welcome to the News Show at BDS! Today it seems like the weather is bright, shining and fantastic.Just the perfect day to go out and play!
Lately at BDS the Year 5 children went to a fun, messy camp called Sonshine Ranch! I am pretty sure they had lots of fun. Alexander said that it was cool and he really enjoyed it! Oh, but there is more: not only did the Year 5s go to camp, the Year 6s had two days of fun in Rooms 15 and 20. In Room 20  the Year 6 children from rooms 15 and 20 did breath taking science with Mrs Green. They seemed to not want to stop doing Magnets and Electricity work.
The choir also went for a rehearsal at Somerville on Wednesday.
That’s all for now, but wait, it’s time to get some two’s, to’s and too’s jambled.
My sister ate two unbelievably juicy apples.
She unsteadily climbed up the tree for the two cats.
“I’m too tired!” she shouted in anger.
“You are too small,” teased the bully.
“Aaah!” screamed the girls, “we are going to the Justin Bieber show!”
She went to the market to buy food, etc.
She wanted to go to town to buy two oranges but she was too ill to go.
Well, that will be all for today, folks, but join us next time for the BDS New Show!
By CL Year 6 Room 15