Saturday 31 May 2014

My Unusual Pet

My unusual pet is a Man Eating Shark called Stella. She gets me in trouble at school and at home.
Once Stella ate my homework and I told my teacher, but she thought it was an excuse. She said, "You're a girl. Girls don't have man eating sharks." So I got a detention.
And at home she stays in my room and bangs against my wall, and my parents think I'm kicking the wall.

Friday 23 May 2014

Heroes and Leaders Chelsea.P

In my opinion leaders and heroes share the same values. They both have people who rely on them and they also have people who look up to them and they both sacrifice things to do/help something /someone. An example is people who run charities to raise funds to cure illnesses such as cancer. Such people are heroes to those people who are affected. So what I am trying to say is that both heroes and leaders are great. Also, the differences between them are great, I mean leaders encourage others, they also share their values with others. As for heroes they are not the super heroes you see in comic books or on T.V. They are just your normal people living their normal everyday lives. Then suddenly something happens and they have the confidence and bravery and they risk their lives to save someone they don't even know.

My Unusual Pet

My unusual pet is a rock named Rocko. He is a great pet. He doesn't do rude things on the carpet, he doesn't eat or drink, he doesn't speak and he likes to do nothing all day. He always has a smile and he has googly eyes. Rocko has never done anything except smile. I love to bring him to school and my friends love him. But my teacher, Mrs B, is scared of rocks for some random reason. Every time I bring him to school, she jumps on the roof!
Rocko is the best pet in the world.